Other Pests

General Pest Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do Flies Spread Disease?

    You bet they do. Flies are one of the filthiest pests on the planet, and they don't need to bite you or even leave waste behind to transmit dangerous pathogens. All they have to do is land on something that you might touch or ingest to put you at risk. According to the CDC, even a common housefly can carry more than a million bacteria. They've been proven to transmit more than 65 diseases to humans, including dysentery, typhoid fever, E. coli, shigella, salmonella, cholera, and polio. Flies pose a serious health risk to our pets and livestock as well.

  • How Do You Get Rid Of Fruit Flies?

    Fruit flies are annoying, but you can outwit them. First, don't leave your ripening fruit out and accessible. Use a container like a glass dome, which keeps the flies off and your fruit fresher for longer. Keep your counters and sinks clean and your trash tightly covered. You should also make sure drains are kept clean. Vinegar traps may also help. Pour a cup of apple cider vinegar into a jar, add a few drops of dish soap, and set the bowl out. The vinegar attracts the fruit flies, but the dish soap prevents them from escaping the bowl. 

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